We dance 650 years away

A képen az esemény plakátja látható, melyen a táncosok korhű ruhában egy dinamikus mozdulatban vannak megörökítve. A kép közepén kiemelkedik  kerekesszékes táncos. A kép körül az előadásra vonatkozó információk és hívószavak olvashatók.

(Click here for the Gallery.)


(The Facebook page and the full Gallery are available here.)


The "PTE Integrated Arts Group" has prepared a three-act contemporary dance production entitled "Towards the Wholeness", reflecting on the history of the University and taking inspiration from the work of the same title by Sándor Weöres, an alumni of the University. The individual acts have been performed several times throughout the year, but the work will also be performed on 9 December 2017 at the Janusz University Stage.


Members of the group, students and staff, both able-bodied and disabled, current and former, are celebrating this great anniversary.



  • 18.00 Rector's welcome - Dr. József Bódis
  • 18:10 Welcome Speech by the Ministerial Commissioner - Mr Szekeres Pál, Ministerial Commissioner for the Integration of People with Disabilities
  • 18:20 A few words about the performance - Zsuzsanna Hagen, choreographer
  • 18:30 "The Ladder is in You" - dance performance
  • 19:30 Studio discussion 
  • 20:00 Reception and exhibition opening


The performance is free of charge, but due to the small capacity of the audience, please contact pteimcs@gmail.com in advance. Thank you!


Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/145735676074032/


We look forward to seeing you at our performance on Saturday evening.

You shall not pass!