Study and Exam Benefits

The study and examination benfites and rules of procedure of students living with disabilities is included Code of studies and Examines Of University of Pécs. 

The following excerpt is from the relevant parts of the legislation.


The rights of the students   

Article 77. (1) The student shall have the right to pursue his/her studies in a safe and healthy environment in the higher education institution and to receive assistance with his/her studies in line with his/her talent, abilities and interests, and within this scope especially to receive provisions and services to start a carreer in accordance with his/her condition, personal capabilities, or disability.

(2) Disabled students shall be offered convenient circumstances for preparation and examination and shall be assisted to be able to fulfil the obligations arising from their student status. Where appropriate they should be exempted from the obligation to take certain courses or certain parts thereof or to undergo  assessment. If necessary, such students shall be exempted from knowledge assessment of foreign terminology or a certain part or level of it. Disabled students shall be given more time to prepare at the knowledge assessment and shall be afforded the opportunity to use aids at the written test (typewriter, computer, etc.), or if necessary, to have a written test instead of an oral test, or an oral test instead of a written one.


(3) The exemption under Article (2) shall exclusively be granted in the context of the condition justifying such exemption and may not result in exemption from the fulfilment of basic academic requirements that are requisite to the award of the professional qualification certified by the degree certificate.


Data reconciliation

(4) Students who got extra points during the admission procedure considering their disabilities are obliged to visit the Faculty’s coordinator in charge for students with disabilities within 30 days after commencing student status for data check. The University shall notify the student about this. In reasonable case further 30 days can be granted for the student for the data check.



Disability coordinator 

Article 78. (1) The Rector of the University shall appoint an institutional coordinator in charge for students with disabilities for the assistance of disabled students. The duty of the Faculty coordinator in charge of students with disabilities shall be fulfilled by the head of the Supporting Service.

(2) The duty of the coordinator of the Faculty in charge for students with disabilities shall cover the following:

a) taking partin the firstinstance assessing and registering applications regarding assisstance, exemption or benefit submitted by students with disability,

b) keeping contact with disabled students and their personal helpers,

c) ensuring disabled students possibilities of assistance in the course of their studies and exams and arranging possibilities of consultation in the instruction period,

d) forward proposals concerning the utilisation of normative grants for assisting the studies of disabled students and the purchase of devices necessary for giving assistance

e) continuous registration of the headcount of disabled students in line with the provisions pertaining to data protection and ensuring the use of data for statistical purposes,

f) registering the statistical data of disabled students in the record within 60 days from enrolment and registration.


(3) The duty of the institutional coordinator in charge for students with disabilities shall be taking part in assessing and registering legal-remedy applications regarding assisstance, exemption or benefit submitted by students with disability.

(4) The Supporting Service helps the work of the coordinators in charge for students with disablities and the studies and everyday life of students with disability.



Procedures related to academic and examination benefites

Article 79. (1) On the basis of an expert report under Article 84 (1), the student may request exemption from his/her academic requirements or partial or full exemption from exams or to be permitted to take them in a different way, furthermore, the providing of other academic benefits stipulated in Article 80.

(2) The requests determined in Section (1) shall be addressed to the Faculty’s Educational Committe, in case of doctoral training to the Doctoral School of the Faculty and submitted to the Registrar’s Office or the doctoral administration of the Faculty. The application shall contain the professional opinion determined in Article 81 of present Regulation on the type and extent of the disability.  The  Registrar  or  the  head  of  the  doctoral  administration  shall  promptly  forward  the applications electronically to the coordinator of the Faculty in charge for students with disabilities. The requests shall be reconsidered by the Educational Committee or the Committee appointed by the Doctoral School along with the coordinator of the Faculty in charge for students with disabilities as a member according to the procedure determined in Article 8 of this Regulation, provided that the 50 percent membership of students is ensured in the EC or the committee. This competence of the Educational Committee shall be non-transferable.


(4) The decision may be appealed against under Article 12 herein. The requests of legal remedy shall be reconsidered by the EC of second instance with the institutional coordinator in charge for students with disabilities as a member.

(5) The student can notify the Supporting Sercive about his/her claim for further assistance (eg. personal helper, sign language interpreter) – beyond the benefits determined in Section (1) –  based on his/her disability.



Available benefits according to the type of disability

Article 80. (1)

(2) If the applicant with disability was granted preferential treatment during the admission procedure or the secondary school-leaving exam, he/she is obliged to report and certify this fact to the coordinator of the Faculty in charge for students with disabilities within 30 days from the enrolment, and these benefits shall also be granted to him/her during his/her studies.


(3) With regard to Artilce 77 (2) the disabled student can be granted the following benefits by the committee determined in Article 79 (2) based on expert opinion issued by the organization determined in Article 81 depending on the individual characteristics:

a) applying oral examination instead of written examinaton or applying written examination instead of oral examination,

b) providing longer preparation time than the one that is applied for the non-disabled students,

c) providing opportunity to use the special tools and devices according to the disability during the student’s studies and examinations,

d) providing personal helper, sign language or oral interpreter during the oral exam,during the student’s studies and examinations,

e) simoltaneous visual presentation of what has been said during the lecture or the exam in regards of the clarity and the better understanding, audiovisual presentation, providing opportunity for braille-writing and enlarging,

f) reducing the waiting time of the students to the minimum during exams, holding a longer exam in several parts or having breaks without leaving the place of the exam or allowing movement activities, g) upon the student's request, writing down or repeating the questions several times, disassemble complex questions to components, giving help to understand the requirements and questions during the oral examination,

h) holding the exam individually,

i) exemption from exercises that require manual, visual skills, but the theoretical knowledge can be required,

j) full or partial exemption from the obligation to fulfil practical requirements or their fulfillment in a different form,

k) exemption from the assessment of language knowledge, or a part or level of it.







(9) The longer preparation time shall be determined at least 30% longer than the time stipulated for nondisabled students.


(11) In a reasonable case, upon the student's request, based on expert opinion the University may award benefits that are different from or beyond the benefits determined in Section (3).


(11a) The University may provide personalised support for the student based on the decision of the committee specified in Article 79 (2) in case a medical expert opinion justifies a chronic disease or health damage not resulting in disability.


(13) The exemption from the language exam, or a part or the level of the language exam shall be applied in case of the former student with disability, who has taken the final closing exam and his/her student  status  is  terminated  but  has  not  completed  the  language  requirement  neccessary  for  the qualification.


(14) The Dean shall be responsible for complying with the preferential treatment granted to students with disabilities.


The documents required for the procedure

Article 81. (1) The student with a disability (applicant) shall certify the type by an expert report.

(2)   The following rules shall be applied in regards of issuing the expert report specified in Section (1):

a) in case the disability, special educational needs of the student (applicant) has already existed in the period of the public education or appeared only later, special educational needs may be certified based on the expert report issued by the county (capital) institution of pedagogical special  services  and  its  member  institutions  proceeding  as  county  or  national  specialist committees;

b) in case the disability, special educational needs of the student (applicant) have not existed during his/her public the disability may be certified with the expert report issued by the Special Educational Professional Service Institution of the Eötvös Loránd University.


(3) The provisions stipulated in Section (1) shall be applied in case of expert reports issued after September 1, 2020, but for determining the type of disability of the student (applicant) the expert reports issued before September 1,2020 shall stillbe used. Ifthe expertreport had been issued before September 1, 2020 the following shall be applied:

  • in case the student’s (applicant’s) disability, special educational needs already existed in the period of public education special educational needs may be certified based on the expert report issued by the county (capital) institution of pedagogical special services and its member institutions proceeding as county or national specialist committees (or among their predecessors the learning skills examining specialis and rehabilitational committees and the national specialist and rehabilitational committees), except forthe studiesin adult education that are not pursued in full-time mode. In this case the disability, special educational needs can be certified by the expert report of the National Pedagogical Special Service of the Eötvös Loránd University and its predecessor, the Special Education and Logopaedia Special Service, Expert and Rehabilitation Committee and Special Educational Professional Service Institution of the Eötvös Loránd University
  • in case the disability, special educational needs of the student (applicant) did not exist during his/her public education the disability may be certified with the specialist opinion issued by the rehabilitational specialist body or its predecessors.








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