(Click here for pictures from the Opening Ceremony.)
Currently, the aula of the PTE building on Ifjúság út is hosting the exhibition, which was organised on the occasion of the Petőfi Year and the World Day of People with Disabilities.
The works of the Naive painter Péter Halász and the disabled artists of the art workshop of the Hold My Hand Foundation bring to life the adventurous story of Jancsi Kukorica (Johnny Corn). Rich in their simplicity, they conjure up vivid images, drawing us into this colourful world.
Thanks to the care of Ildikó Fodor, drawing teacher and art therapist, we can gain an insight into nearly 40 years of collections.
The opening of the exhibition took place on 28 November, where Dr. Anikó Nagy, a visually impaired Psychology student, quoted Petőfi's lines to set the mood.
She was followed by a welcome speech by Peter Tóth, the director of the Hold My Hand Foundation, and then by a speech by Dr. habil. Csaba Hegyi, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the PTE opened the exhibition.
Ildikó Fodor introduced the artists seated in the audience.
- András Olessák -