
Supporting literature

Conradi, Peter – Logue, Mark 2010. The King's Speech: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy. Sterling.

Damian, Scott 2013. V-V-Voice: A Stutterer's Odyssey. Behler Publications.

Mernick, Moe 2016. The Gift of Stuttering. Mosaica Press.

Preston, Katherine 2014. Out With It: How Stuttering Helped Me Find My Voice. Atria.

Rabinowitz, Alan 2000. Jaguar: One Man's Struggle to establish the World's First Jaguar Preserve. Island Press.

Rabinowitz, Alan 2014. A Boy and a Jaguar. Clarion Books.

Rousey, Ronda 2015. MyFight/Your Fight. Regan Arts.

Vawter, Vince 2014. Paperboy. Yearling.


Personal Stories

Schwartz, Martin F. Stutter No More.



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